The main idea from these presentations was to learn how to better serve and look out for our clients’ well being. This led me to wonder if children were taught some of these same basic techniques for treating our fellow friends, family and peers more respectfully earlier in life. College was the first time I have ever received any type of education on how to “walk, talk and work” with people. I believe that reinforcing acceptance earlier in life will allow children to grow up less closed minded.
I learned two very important lessons from these presentations. First, language and terminology are important factors in how you address and communicate with your clients, your family, your friends and peers. Secondly, you should be aware of biases in what you hear and/or read in society. A demographic question posed to clients about their sexual orientation could be offensive and oppressive. Asking someone’s “sexual preference” is not the same as asking for someone’s “sexual orientation”. The speaker from OutFront MN compared preference as a fondness for something, rather than a place of origin. “Evidence for a social or behavioral basis for homosexuality can be misused to argue for the sexual preference position, which maintains that homosexuality is a choice made by individuals” (Marsiglia & Kulis, 2009). This quote from Marsiglia and Kulis backs up what our speaker from OutFront was saying that someone’s sexuality is not a preference. Growing up I did not necessarily prefer that I be identified as a girl; I grew up knowing that I was a girl. It is the concept of gender. I display the traits of a woman through how society decides women should act. All people have the right to show who they really are, and if they are biologically one sex but physically another, they have the right to show society who they are.
Terminology is another way to learn how to effectively communicate with others. I enjoyed how both speakers phrased the topic of how to address those who are different than you, which should be everybody. Ask them how they would like to be addressed! What type of pronouns (masculine or feminine) would they use for themselves? I believe that people have the right to grow up comfortable with expressing themselves in a way in which they decide. Marsiglia & Kulis (2009, p.159) provide a heterosexual questionnaire regarding sexual orientation. I thought about how I would feel if someone asked me these questions, or how someone else would feel if I asked them the questions. If someone asked me if I would ever grow out of my sexual identity I would be hurt because it is part of my identity and there is nothing I would ever do to change that (Marsiglia & Kulis, 2009).
Lastly, staying aware of biases and discriminatory language with what I hear or read is important. One speaker made the point that pop culture can convey stereotypes and stated that Hello Kitty is an example of a violent stereotype. It wouldn’t seem so obvious because she’s cute, cuddly and aimed towards girls between the ages of 5-10 years old. Hello Kitty gives the impression that girls are nice and kind but unable to give consent. After all, how could she give consent if she has no mouth to speak up with? This could be seen as violent and unhealthy because it continues the oppressive attitudes towards women by insinuating that they should never speak out against the injustices aimed at them.
Communication is key and being aware of language and the terminology you use is the best way to communicate effectively with others. Teaching children earlier in their education about how to get along with people, I think, will create a better working environment for everyone. “As societal and self-awareness of identity grows social workers and people alike will be able to bring them with unique narratives and life challenges” (Marsiglia & Kulis, 2009).

OutFront MN (2011). About Us. Retrieved from
Marsiglia, F. F., & Kulis, S. (2009). Diversity, oppression and change: Culturally grounded social work. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books, Inc.
Class speaker, Personal Communication, March 28, 2011
OutFront class speaker, Personal Communication, March 25, 2011
Hello Britni,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your blog, nicely done. What stuck out the most for me what when you were talking about the two lessons your took away from the presentations. The first talking about how import language and terminology are, and when your communicating with people you need to be aware of what your saying. Its crazy how we communicate so differently at different times of the day when we are around different people. We do it without even knowing...or trying
Secondly you talked about how you should understand and know biases in what you see and hear in the world. Its very easy to get caught up in some belief, that may or may not be true, when we know nothing about the certain area. Its easier to believe someone when we don't fully understand ourselves.
ReplyDeleteCollege was the first time I was taught how to walk, talk, and work with people too. It is hard to imagine this because I feel that it is such a valuable lesson that should be taught earlier. Part of me believes that we are taught this because we are in the social work major. I know many people who are not receiving these same lessons while in college because they are in majors less focused on interacting with people. So I agree with you that we should address this in early childhood.
These presentations and overall class discussions are helping us be well-rounded social workers. I have been feeling my sense of cultural competence growing as each week passes. As social workers we are going to be life long learners. Remembering your two lessons: language factors and awareness of biases will help all of us in our careers.
I love you example of Hello Kitty provided. I never thought of her reinforcing stereotypes and discrimination because she is a cat, but it is very true. I definitely need to keep my eyes open for more examples like this.